Trust is the foundation of Epi. It's why we exist — to make the Web safer.

Our launch engine opens only official results, and the best result always comes first. We offer a vital layer of browsing protection against phishing and scams with live, prominent indicators.

Through Web Launch , Epi is ready to launch a vast array of official and trusted websites. With Epi Confirm and Epi Live Trust, you can check if a link is safe.

Trust underpins the company and all our efforts, importantly in security and privacy. We want to curtail phishing and improve trust on the Web, and to do this we have to build trust in Epi at the same time. We are committed to openness and transparency in what we do. We use best-in-class encryption techniques for security of your personal and corporate data. Protecting the privacy of your data, we minimise the collection to what we need to offer the service to you. We offer upfront controls to what you share with Epi and you can completely opt out of telemetry and analytics. Whatever you choose, we do not employ third party tracking and we do not sell your data.

In everything we do, we evaluate the impact to trust, security and privacy to ensure there is no regression.

What are the issues?

We've seen firsthand many examples of phishing, scams, malicious ads and fraudulent search results on major search engines, and instances are ever increasing.

Browsers and search engines are not geared towards trust. Safety is not their raison d'être. The World Wide Web is the World Wild West, and the responsibility of staying safe is left largely to the user.

Browsers are stale and haven't substantially changed in twenty years. The address bar is crucial for gauging trust of the website. The padlock and "https" have conditioned many to a false sense of security, but it's just one piece of the puzzle, it merely gives you (important) encryption and secrecy to the server, but does not guarantee the site is genuine or official. The identity of the site is in the URL and domain, which are overly technical and not people-friendly. Anyone can register a domain for anything, there is no human or automatic review process for registration. And anyone can make a website look authentic and offical. Safe browsing mechanisms rely on reporting and reactive processes, so many malicious sites don't get picked up, or at least not in time.

The tools of today are not up to the job right now, let alone the future. Transformational change is needed to tackle the tidal wave of phishing.

Read more about phishing and its defences

Trust in Epi

At Epi, we care about trust in and of the Web, and of ourselves.

We index only trusted, official websites. Our launch engine is driven by trust and relevance and only delivers authentic, genuine results. With our services, you can launch trusted websites and ensure you are on an official website when you're browsing.

At the core of our trust model is our human, manual review. We evaluate every website that appears in our trustnet with a personal inspection. This process is intensive but we firmly believe it is necessary for trust, and we are committed to review as an ongoing activity.

With our business offerings, teams and companies can indicate the internal sites they use, so that the corporate tools and cloud services used every day can be used with confidence.

Read more about our platform

Always Improving

Trust evolves over time. It develops slowly and it can be removed very quickly. While we are confident with our trust model, we endeavour to always improve, and respond to worldwide changes and the needs of our clients.

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